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PT Berkah Dental Indonesia

 PT Berkah Dental Indonesia

PT BERKAH DENTAL INDONESIA merupakan distributor yang didirikan pada tanggal 13 April 2018. BDI merupakan distributor atau penyalur dari PT HEXA DENTAL INDONESIA, yaitu perusahaan manufaktur yang memproduksi alat-alat kesehatan.

BERKAH DENTAL INDONESIA merupakah supplier alat – alat kesehatan dan laboratorium yang telah bekerjasama dengan beberapa Rumah Sakit dan Laboratorium. Kami meningkatkan terus-menerus pelayanan dan sistem manajemen dengan harapan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan kami.


Visi : Menjadi perusahaan perdagangan dan distribusi alat-alat kesehatan skala nasional dengan sistem manajamen yang dapat diandalkan.

Misi : Menjalin kerjasama secara profesional, memberikan pelayanan yang baik dan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan para pelanggan.


Produk : Hexabond Bonding Agent, Hexaetch Etching Gel, NanoGel, Hexalgin, Face Mask


Contact Us
Jl. Otista Raya Ruko Prima Blok A No. 6 RT. 003 RW. 011, Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia

Phone : 021-22743293 / 0813-1487-6371
Email :


DÜRR DENTAL SE was founded in 1941 by the brothers Karl and Wilhelm Dürr from Gechingen in the Black Forest. The precision workshops were set up in Stuttgart-Feuerbach. The headquarters of the German company are now located in Bietigheim-Bissingen. Here, around 1100 employees are engaged in production, research and development as well as sales and marketing. The Dürr Dental Group currently has around 1000 employees throughout the world and enjoyed a turnover of €250 million in 2017, and is represented by company personnel in 40 countries. "I am pleased to be able to look back over 75 years of a successful company history and I am looking forward to the future with confidence", says Martin Dürrstein, CEO of DÜRR DENTAL SE. The name of "Dürr Dental" has epitomised progress and innovation in dental medicine for decades. Many standards of modern surgeries are attributable to the company's developments.


Today, dentists around the world are pleased to trust in the engineering designs of Dürr Dental. The company offers numerous system solutions in the fields of Equipment, Diagnostic Systems and Hygiene. "With its developments, Dürr Dental is setting standards for innovation and technology. We have the right solution for all requirements", stresses Martin Dürrstein. To ensure the highest possible level of quality, the company carries out virtually all production at its business location of Germany.

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