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14th Dentistry Scientific Meeting


Health Sciences will always develop along with the times. Similarly, dentistry as well, which in practice will experience adjustments to the development of technology, materials, and dental treatments. As Indonesian dental practitioners and students, it is an obligation to be able to adapt in order to improve the competency, efficiency, and quality of dental services in Indonesia.


With the aforementioned background, the Faculty of Dentistry, of the University of Indonesia, provides a forum in the form of annual scientific activities, called “Dentistry Scientific Meeting” or “DSM”, which consists of a series of events such as Dentistry Scientific Webinar in addition to other dental and health scientific competitions that are expected to bring and introduce the latest gears and advances to medical science in order to face the challenges within the global era.

Dental Webinar




National Literature Review Competition

Literature Review Competition merupakan kompetisi penulisan karya ilmiah berupa analisis kritis dari penelitian-penelitian yang sedang dan sudah dilakukan dengan tema “The Latest Technological Trends in Dentistry”. Tema tersebut diangkat sebagaimana kita ketahui bahwa peran teknologi sangat luas dalam kehidupan. Perkembangannya dalam dunia kedokteran gigi tidak hanya terpaku pada alat-alat yang digunakan, tetapi juga bahan atau material yang digunakan serta teknik yang diterapkan.

International Video Competition

In this modern era, everything is developing rapidly and more advanced. Modern era with the ease and practicality is like a double-edged sword; on one hand, it can make people to adopt a healthy lifestyle easier. However, on the other hand, it can make people lazy to adopt a healthy lifestyle.


Therefore, in this video competition, the committee took the theme "Implementing Healthy Lifestyle in Modern Era" in hope that all participants would be able to adopt a healthy lifestyle in this sophisticated era.


National Poster Competition

Pada era modern ini, segala hal berkembang dengan sangat cepat dan semakin canggih. Era modern dengan segala kemudahan dan kepraktisannya ibarat pedang bermata dua, di satu sisi dapat memudahkan masyarakat untuk menerapkan gaya hidup sehat. Namun, di sisi lain dapat membuat masyarakat malas menerapkan gaya hidup sehat.


Oleh karena itu, pada lomba poster kali ini panitia mengambil tema “Implementing Healthy Lifestyle in Modern Era” dengan harapan agar seluruh peserta mampu menerapkan gaya hidup yang sehat di tengah-tengah era modern saat ini.


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